7950.Hallowell & Co. Guns Firearms Fine Vintage Collectible Single shot Rifles Custom rifles for sale bought sold Livingston Montana

Single Shot Rifles                                                                                                               Click on thumbnail for more photos.

Axtell Rifle Co. Model 1877 Sharps .45-70 $5995

Lower Sporter (.45, 2 1/10")

28" tapered octagon standard-weight barrel with globe front sight and

tangent elevator rear sight. Long range vernier tang sight. Figured walnut

stocks with schnabel forend, classic point-pattern checkering, removable

steel-capped pistol grip, and casehardened steel buttplate. Casehardened

action with checkered hammer and double-set triggers. Pull: 14". Weight:

9lbs, 13 1/2oz. 99%+blue. 99% casehardening colors. Excellent bore.


Steve Billeb & Chuck Grace Custom Mauser 1909 Argentine .220 Swift $2,495

                  Single Shot

26" tapered round barrel engraved Steven L. Billeb Gunmaker. Prominently

straight-grained walnut stock with classic borderless point-pattern

checkering, no floorplate, steel pistol grip cap, classic comb and thin black

Decelerator recoil pad. Mauser action with Model 70-type safety on original

cocking piece. Conetrol scope mounts. Inletting and metalwork by Billeb.

Shaping and checkering of wood, and bluing by Grace. Pull: 14". Weight:

9lbs, 6oz. New, from the maker. With RCBS dies.


Blaser Model BL821 Luxus Grade .243 Win. $7,250

Falling Block Single Shot

23 1/2" barrel fitted inside an exterior tapered octagon outer "barrel" with

ramp front sight, sling swivel, and integral matted quarter rib with standing

express sight. Fully figured, oil-finished Turkish walnut stock with schnabel

forend-tipped splinter forend, black-capped pistol grip, point-pattern skip-

line checkering, fluted Bavarian cheekpiece, hinged trap for four cartridges,

and maker's original black composition buttplate. Stainless steel, falling-

block action cocks on the last half-inch of closing the underlever, would

normally be carried safely in the field, loaded, but with the underlever just a

half-inch short of being cocked, and may then be safely de-cocked with the

press of a button on the top tang. An almost redundant cross-pin safety,

mounted to the loading lever behind the trigger, at the shooter's option,

locks out the lever from closing fully and cocking the rifle. With Swarovski

Habicht 2.2-9x42mm Nova rail-mount scope with 30mm tube and fine 4A

duplex reticle on ERA Recknagel Classic steel quick-turn-off mounts fitted

discreetly to the rib. Coin-finished action engraved with oakleaf-bordered

game scenes of baying elk over a fallen comrade on left, a buck and doe on

right, another pair on the grip cap, and oakleaves covering the cartridge

trap. Pull: 14 1/4" from adjustable trigger. Weight: 8lbs, 4oz scoped; 6lbs,

15oz without. Built 1982 - 1990. Little used and with excellent bore.


Kent Bowerly Custom Ruger No.1 .223 Rem. $9,995

27" tapered octagon-to-round barrel with quarter rib and swivel stud. Highly

figured European walnut stocks by Kent Bowerly with semi-beavertail

forend, classic point-pattern checkering, fluted sidepanels, steel capped

pistol grip, classic comb with beaded cheekpiece, inletted rear swivel stud,

and checkered steel buttplate. Refined Ruger No.1 action by M Stratton with

forward knuckle removed, engine-turned breechblock, and finely-inletted

sliding top tang safety with S inlaid in gold. Finely scroll engraved by Bob

Evans with gold borderlines, a wolf on left and a pronghorn on right in

bright-colored vignettes on a blued receiver and with contrasting scrolls at

the corners. Leupold Vari-X III 6.5-20x40mm matte-finish scope with very

fine duplex reticle and long range parallax adjustment on engraved fixed

Talley rings fitted directly to quarter rib dovetails without separate bases.

Pull 13 1/4". Weight: 9lbs, 4oz. Stockmaker and metalsmith names hand-engraved

on sides of barrel. One of matched set with the rifle below. Virtually new condition.


Kent Bowerly Custom Ruger No.1 .243 Win. $9,995

27" tapered octagon-to-round barrel with quarter rib and swivel stud. Highly

figured European walnut stocks by Kent Bowery with semi-beavertail

forfend, classic point-pattern checkering, fluted sidepanels, steel capped

pistol grip, classic comb with beaded cheekpiece, inletted rear swivel stud,

and checkered steel buttplate. Refined Ruger No.1 action by M Stratton with

forward knuckle removed, engine-turned breechblock, and finely-inletted

sliding top tang safety with S inlaid in gold. Finely scroll engraved by Bob

Evans with gold borderlines, a bull elk on left and a mountain lion on right in

bright-colored vignettes on a blued receiver and with contrasting scrolls at

the corners. Leupold Vari-X III 6.5-20x40mm matte-finish scope with very

fine duplex reticle and long range parallax adjustment on engraved fixed

Talley rings fitted directly to quarter rib dovetails without separate bases.

Pull 13 1/4". Weight: 9lbs, 3oz. Stockmaker and metalsmith names hand-engraved

on sides of barrel. One of matched set with the rifle above. Virtually new condition.


Classic Arms Custom Ballard .38-56 $12,995

Corporation                   Two-Barrel Set .28-30 Stevens

Two, 27" tapered round barrels with full-length solid matted rib, raised at

muzzle for blade front sight and fitted with scope blocks for Unertl 6x target

scope with fine crosshair reticle. Figured Circassian walnut stocks by James

Tucker with ebony schnabel forend tip, classic point-pattern checkering,

steel capped pistol grip, beaded pancake cheekpiece, classic comb, and steel

trapdoor buttplate. Color-casehardened receiver with double-set triggers,

finger-loop loading lever, floral scroll engraved by Lee Griffiths. Folding

tang peep sight adjustable for windage and elevation. Metalwork and

bluing by Anthony Fleming. Pull: 14 1/2". Weight: 9lbs, 10oz. In full-length

oak & leather trunk case with canvas overcase, fitted with custom tools by

John Millar. New condition


Classic Arms Custom Winchester High Wall 20/.577 Alex $19,450

Corporation Takedown Two-Barrel Set. Henry Rifle &

Rifle No.20 20ga Shotgun

30" knurled, flat-top, tapered, ovoid, heavy, Krieger, Henry-rifled barrel with

integral raised-ramp front sight, 1 standing white-inlaid and 1 folding

platinum-lined express sight. 30" round smoothbore barrel with solid,

integral, knurled rib, ivory front bead, choked extra full. Both barrels shaped

by Ralf Martini. Highly figured Circassian walnut stocks with two separate

forends, each with Alex Henry-style horn forend tips, casehardened-

escutcheoned fire-blued crosspin fasteners, classic flat-top point-pattern

checkering with mullered borders (wrapping fully under the forend), and a

machined, knurled and engraved threaded breech cap for each barrel.

Casehardened steel trapdoor pistol grip cap, beaded pancake cheekpiece,

and pigskin-covered recoil pad. Original Winchester 1885 Thickside

takedown action converted to blind-tang throughbolt system, with

checkered custom single trigger and with bottom tang extended to grip cap,

extensively engraved by Lee Griffiths with deep-incised scenes of the

extinct giant Irish elk on each side of the receiver and a very fine Scottish

heraldic Lion Rampant on the grip trapdoor. Pull: 14 1/2". Weight: 10lbs,

10oz as a rifle; 7lbs, 13oz as a shotgun. All in oak and leather takedown

trunk case by Ray Sterck, with leather-trimmer canvas overcase, fitted with

accessories by John Millar including fluted horn-handled turnscrew,

chamber brush and cleaning rod with tips, engraved-topped patchbox and

crystal oil bottle, traditional brass bullet mold, sample cartridge & paper-

patched bullets, and key. .22 Long Rifle chamber insert for 20/.577 barrel. A

second, matching oak & leather case incudes an extensive selection of

loading tools, supplies and accessories.


Classic Arms J Rigby Model Ballard. .450 Rigby $13,975

Corporation Rifle No.45 Match

34" tapered round barrel with spirit-level windgauge front sight with

replaceable inserts and with Rigby flats at breech. Lightly figured walnut

stocks by James Tucker with horn schnabel forend tip, classic flat-top point-

pattern checkering with mullered borders, fire-blued crosspin fastener in

engraved escutcheons, horn-capped pistol grip, engraved and hand-

checkered steel buttplate. Marlin Ballard action engraved with acanthus

scroll by Charles Lee with checkered single trigger and curved open-loop

loading lever. Both front sight and long range vernier tang sight by Mike

Stevens. Pull: 15 5/8". Weight: 10lbs, 4oz. New, as test fired only. In full-

length Jatoba wood and leather trunk case by Ray Sterck, with loading dies,

keys, extra tang sight disc, square crystal oil bottle, wood and cork loading

mallet, English bullet mold, extra front sight inserts, 20 brass cases , cleaning

rod and tips, and canvas overcase.


Classic Arms Corp. Custom Winchester 6mm Remington $13,950

1885 High Wall.   Rifle No.13

27 1/2" barrel by Ron Smith, with flat-topped ovoid profile by Ralf Martini;

beaded blade front sight, one standing gold-triangle-inlaid and 1 folding

gold-line inlaid express sights, and broad sling swivel stud. Fully figured

California English walnut stocks by Reto Buehler with ebony forend tip,

steel capped pistol grip, classic point-pattern checkering, beaded pancake

cheekpiece, rear swivel stud, and smooth steel Biesen shotgun buttplate.

Original Winchester Model 1885 High Wall action with double-set trigger

and with stock through-bolt conversion showing no visible tang screws

either top or bottom. Leupold Vari-X III 3.5 - 10x scope with fine duplex

reticle on refined Talley quick-detachable mounts with custom levers.

Classic Arms leather sling on Winchester SuperGrade swivels. Scroll

engraved by Lee Griffiths on action, lever, grip cap, buttplate. Pull: 14 1/8".

Weight: 9lbs, 6oz. Action originally built in 1887, therefore Antique. Rifle in

new condition as custom built. With breech-end cleaning rod guide, MCA

Sports .22LR adapter, and unloading tool by James Tucker.


Classic Arms Corp Custom George Gibbs .22 LR, $22,750

Baby Farquharson .28-30 Stevens & .360 No.5

Three Barrel Set  

28" tapered round .22LR barrel by Ron Smith with original Gibbs target

spirit-level front sight and Rigby flats at breech; engraved Classic Arms


28" tapered round .28-30 Stevens barrel by Ron Pence with ramp front sight,

1 standing and 2 folding leaf rear sights on matted quarter rib, Parker-Hale 3x

Huntascope with fine crosshairs reticle on their proprietary hand-

detachable rings fitting directly to quarter-rib dovetails without separate

bases, and with Rigby flats at breech; engraved Classic Arms Corporation.

26" tapered octagon .360 No.5 original Gibbs barrel refined by Steve

Heilmann, with blade front sight, 1 standing and 1 folding leaf rear sight

marked 50 and 100 yards; engraved Gibbs, Bristol.

Stocks by James Tucker, with figured California English walnut harvested in

1965, including three separate matching forends, each with horn forend tips,

keyed fasteners in engraved escutcheons, classic flat-topped point-pattern

checkering with mullered borders, flat sidepanels fore & aft, horn-capped

pistol grip, and smooth steel buttplate. Furniture by Don Brown. Vernier

tang sight by Joe Lozito.

Casehardened, miniature Gibbs Farquharson falling block action with

sidelever safety, rebuilt by John Wills, with new pins, new interchangeable

rimfire breechblock and extractor, and upper tang with integral boss for

mounting tang sight. Extensive fine English scroll engraving by Larry


Pull: 13 5/8". Weight 7lbs, 4oz as an iron-sighted .22 rimfire.

In Ray Sterck oak & leather case with brass corners and engraved brass

escutcheon, lined in blue baize. With 3 fluted-horn-handled turnscrews,

horn-handled cleaning rod with selection of tips, machined and fire-blued

steel oil bottle, grease-pot, and container holding extra breechblock and

small parts for centerfire cartridge barrels, 2 machined breech thread covers,

and keyed brass case latch, all by John Millar. Extra inserts and tools for

.22LR barrel sprit-level front sight. 20 rounds machined .360 No.5 brass with

engraved headstamps, 20 rounds new Bertram .28-30 Stevens brass, original

(empty) box for Eley .360 No.5 cartridges. Vintage .360 No.5 snap cap.

Instructions for changing barrels and stocks. Trade labels for both Classic

Arms Corporation and George Gibbs. Leather trimmed canvas overcase and

 muslin overcover. New, by Classic Arms Corporation.

Classic Arms Corp. Rifle No.32 .22 Hornet $14,650

Custom Webley Model 1902 Falling Block

25 1/2" Fraser style tapered round barrel by Ron Smith with full-length

smooth solid rib by A Fleming, rising at the muzzle for a beaded blade front

sight, and towards the rear for a quarter rib bearing a single standing

express sight engraved for 100 yards. Fully figured walnut stocks by James

Tucker with ebony forend tip, flat sidepaneled fore and aft the action, steel

capped pistol grip, classic point-pattern checkering with mullered borders

and with flat-pointed diamonds at the wrist, beaded pancake cheekpiece,

and checkered steel trapdoor buttplate. Light scroll engraved, subtly grey-

etched, cylindrical falling block action marked Webley 1902 Patent and with

their winged bullet on the right, and engraved Jn. Rigby & Co. on the left,

and with automatic top tang safety with SAFE inlaid in gold. Mountless 10x

target scope with very fine crosshair reticle on elegant diminutive John

Millar recoil-absorbing rings fitted directly to the quarter rib without

separate bases, with windage adjustments in both bases and both windage

and elevation knobs in the rear ring. Pull: 14 5/8". Weight: 10lbs, 2oz. New,

as custom built.


Custom Ruger No.1 Single Shot 9.3x74R $5,250

26" tapered round barrel with full-band detented-hooded front sight, half-

band swivel base and quarter rib with provisions for choice of Talley 1"

rings or Talley peep sight, without separate bases, both included. Fully figured

black-streaked California English walnut with classic point-pattern

checkering with mullered borders, steel-capped pistol grip, NECG swivel base

and solid black Decelerator recoil pad. Refined, color-casehardened, Ruger

No.1 action with custom trigger, custom safety and the front knuckle

removed. Pull: 14" Weight: 8lbs, 5oz. Excellent bore. 99% blue & casecolors.


Dakota Arms Model 10 Single Shot .338-06 $11,975

23" tapered round barrel with full-band swivel base. Highly figured

Bastogne walnut stocks with classic borderless point-pattern checkering

wrapping fully under the forend, flat sidepanels, steel-capped pistol grip,

rear swivel stud, classic comb with beaded pancake cheekpiece, and solid

black recoil pad. Leupold Alaskan 4x steel-tube scope with fine duplex

reticle on Talley fixed rings and custom bases. Casehardened action, rings

and grip cap. Pull: 13 7/8". Weight: 6lbs, 9oz. Never before offered for sale.

Virtually new condition.


Dakota Arms Model 10 Single Shot 7x65 $13,250

23" tapered round barrel with full-band detented hooded front sight, full-

band swivel base, and quarter rib with 1 standing express sight. Fully

figured walnut stocks with classic point-pattern checkering with mullered

borders, wrapping fully under the forend, flat sidepanels with teardrops,

steel-capped DA-monogram pistol grip cap, inletted rear swivel stud, classic

comb with beaded pancake cheekpiece, and smooth steel widow's-peaked

buttplate. Zeiss Diavari 3-9x36 MC scope on engraved Talley rings the front

ring fitted directly to the quarter rib without a separate base. Fine scroll

engraving on all-blued steel by Jere Davidson with gold antelope on left and

mule deer buck on right, English rose & scroll on buttplate, and fine gold

borderlines on action, rings, barrel band and barrel breech. Pull: 13 3/4".

Weight: 7lbs, 12 1/2oz. Never before offered for sale. Virtually new condition.


Dakota Arms Model 76 Varminter .22 PPC $4,375

24" free-floated heavy stainless Shilen barrel. Highly figured walnut stock

with flat-bottom beavertail forend, Dakota steel monogram pistol grip cap,

classic comb, and thin black Dakota recoil pad. Dakota solid-bottom single-

shot action with bolt face fully supporting cartridge base, cloverleaf tang,

and Model 70-type safety. Talley 30mm fixed mounts. Pull: 13 3/4". Weight:

10lbs, 6oz. Built for the Texas Gunmaker's Target Competition. The first one

built---serial number V0001. Virtually new condition.


Gary Goudy Custom Winchester High Wall .257 Roberts $7,995

26" barrel with detented-hooded full-band front sight, hand-matted quarter

rib, 1 standing and 3 folding gold-lined express sights engraved for 100, 200,

300 & 400 yards. Highly figured European walnut stock with ebony forend

tip, steel pistol grip cap, classic point-pattern checkering, classic comb,

beaded pancake cheekpiece, and smooth steel trapdoor buttplate. Original

Winchester double set triggers. Action adapted for stock throughbolt---no

top or bottom tang screws visible. Leupold Vari-X III 2.5-8x scope with fine

duplex reticle on custom quick-detachable mounts fitted directly to quarter

rib with no separate bases. Pull: 14". Weight: 8lbs, 4oz. Casehardened

hammer and loading lever. Fire-blued small parts. Little used.


Stephen R. Heilmann Custom FN Mauser Single Shot .257 Roberts $7,250

22" tapered round Krieger barrel. Flowing black-streaked walnut stock with

ebony forend tip, inletted swivel bases, classic wrap-around point-pattern

checkering with mullered borders, beaded-edge around bolt stop, Fisher

steel pistol grip cap, classic comb, beaded pancake cheekpiece, and thin

solid black recoil pad. FN Mauser Benchrest solid-bottom single-shot pillar-

bedded action with straw-colored extractor, Blackburn trigger with

sculptured fire-blued finger-lever, Dakota Model 70-type 3-position safety,

and engraved and fire-blued screws. Leupold VX-3 3.5-10x40mm matte-finish

scope with fine duplex reticle in Leupold rings on Heilmann custom

sculpted bases.  Pull: 13 7/8".  Weight: 8lbs, 6 1/2oz.  New condition.


C B Holden, Hammer Falling Block Sidelock .36 Cal $19,995

Worcester, Mass. Single Shot Long Range Creedmoor Rifle

30" tapered round fluid steel barrel with front sight bead and provision for

windgauge sight, and Rocky Mountain rear barrel sight. Figured walnut

stock with engraved nickel-plated forend tip, classic point-pattern

checkering, nickel-plated steel pistol grip cap and buttplate---lower buttplate

screw checkered to integrate with checkering pattern on butt. Sculptural

action body with inletted sidelock on right and matching sideplate on left---

both scroll engraved and casehardened, manual extractor lever on top,

hinged loading lever ahead of trigger. Long range vernier tang sight. Pull: 13

5/8". Weight: 9lbs, 9 1/2oz. Very fine condition, retaining 99% nickle, 95%

casehardening and 95%blue.  Excellent bore.

Jeffrey No.4 Farquharson Single Shot .450 3 1/4" $9,850

Custom by Ralph Bone.

26" tapered round barrel with full-band front sight, full-band swivel base, 1

standing and 3 folding island-mounted express sights. Highly figured

California English walnut stocks with widow's-peaked ebony forend tip,

classic point-pattern checkering with both mullered and borderless

transitions, steel-capped pistol grip, inletted rear swivel mount, beaded

pancake cheekpiece, classic comb, and Niedner-type checkered steel

buttplate with widow's peak. Jeffrey No.4 large-frame Farquharson action

with manual top-tang safety and action-front boss intact. Foliate-scroll

engraved in traditional English style by Ralph Bone on casehardened

action. Pull: 14 3/8". Weight: 10lbs, 3 1/2oz. Virtually new.


Al Lind Custom Ruger No.1 .300 Win. Mag. $3,575

26" tapered round Ruger barrel with Buehler scope mount base. Figured, oil

finished walnut stock with long angled ebony forend tip, beavertail forend,

wrap-around point-pattern borderless skip-line checkering augmented with

floral carving, flat sidepanels, steel skeleton pistol grip cap, classic comb

with beaded cheekpiece, and elephant hide covered recoil pad. All

metalwork finished bright. Single-set trigger fitted by Ed LaPour.

Pull: 14 1/2". Weight: 7lbs, 15oz. Built 2009. With paperwork. Little used.


Custom Sharps 1877 Long Range Creedmoor .45-70                          $7950.

Target Rifle

34″ heavy round barrel with Ballard Rifle Company spirit-level globe front

sight, no provision for a rear sight, and Ballard Rifle Company vernier tang

sight with 5” staff. Windage-adjustable Creedmoor-style sight mount on heel

of stock. Highly figured, streaky European walnut with 1878 Sharps style

flat-point-checkered round forearm with ebony tip, secured with two bushed

screws rather than the single key of the 1878 Sharps forearm. Buttstock is

nearly identical to the 1877 long range Creedmoor stock with deep S-curved

pistol grip. Reproduction Sharps embossed hard rubber buttplate. Color

casehardened receiver, lever, lockplate and hammer. Pull: 13 7/8". Weight:

9lbs, 8oz. Appears new & unfired, retaining virtually all of its fine custom

finish to both metal & wood with bright blue on the barrel and brilliant case

colors elsewhere. Wood is sound with a few light handling & storage nicks

& scratches. Hammer is not solid in safety notch, otherwise mechanics are

crisp; brilliant shiny bore.


Stevens Model 44 .25 RF $1,575

26" tapered round barrel with Marbles sights front and rear. Checkered

walnut stocks with schnabel forend and crescent steel buttplate. 99% barrel

blue, 98% case colors on receiver and buttplate. Barrel numbered to receiver.

Excellent bore.



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